March around Gates of the Temple Mount:
Every Rosh Chodesh (beginning of Jewish
month) at approximatel 6:45 P.M. a march around the gates of the Temple Mount
is held in conjunction with the organization El Har Hamor.
- We
go from gate to gate of the Temple
Mount and say
Tehillim (Psalms) and blow the Shophar (ram's horn) at every gate.
- The
march is entirely outside of the walls of the Temple Mount,
so there are no Halachic (Jewish Law) concerns.
- The
march is accompanied by a police escort, so there are no safety concerns.
- The
purpose of the march is to fulfill the verse "Encircle Zion and march
around her, count her towers" (Tehillim - Psalms - 48:13) and the
verse "You should seek to cause Him to dwell and you will come there"
(Devarim - Deuteronomy 12:5). The verse means that if we seek to cause Him
to dwell in the Temple, then we may come
there to the Temple.
The march leaves from the Kotel (Western Wall) Plaza.
Please dress modestly. The march takes approximately one and a half hours.
There is no charge.
Thousands of people attend this march.
Due to the large crowd to insure the proper air of ts'niut
(modesty) the men and women march separately.
The march leaves from the Kotel (Western Wall) Plaza. Please dress modestly.
The march takes approximately two hours. There is no charge.
For details and additional
information call:
to Activities
to The Temple Mount Center
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